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  • Growing into leadership: from Airman to NCO

    Leadership is a hard concept to fully grasp, especially when you are new to being a leader. The Air Force looks to develop its Airmen, especially those who are promoting, by instilling leadership into their training.

  • ALS Class 19-E Graduates

    Airman Leadership School Class 19-E graduated after four weeks of training, July 11, 2019, at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas. Airman Leadership School is a course designed to give students a better understanding of their role as a supervisor, and is a prerequisite of joining the non-commissioned

  • Laughlin Airmen steal the show at ALS

    Six Laughlin Airmen out of a class of 13 graduated Airman Leadership School at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, completed the course Feb. 14, 2019, and finished above standard.