Exceptional Family Member Program

Location: Building 375, 590 Mitchell Blvd, Laughlin AFB TX
Phone: Special Needs Coordinator, (830) 298-6571

The Exceptional Family Member Program is designed to assist active duty members by addressing the special needs of their family members during the assignment process. 

Special needs include any special medical, dental, mental health, developmental or educational requirements, wheelchair accessibility, adaptive equipment or assistive technology devices.

The primary goal of the EFMP is to ensure the special needs of family members can be met at a new assignment location. EFMP enrollment information enables personnel to proactively consider family members’ special needs requirements during the assignment process. The goal is to pinpoint the assignment to a location with appropriate resources that address their special needs. Successful implementation requires up-to-date enrollment information and extensive coordination among the personnel, medical and educational communities.

EFMP enrollment is mandatory and required immediately upon identification of a family member’s special need. Command points of contact and military treatment facility EFMP Special Needs Coordinators can assist active duty and their family members with the enrollment process. 

There is often misconception that EFMP enrollment may limit assignments and career advancement or preclude family members from accompanying sponsors on overseas tours, however, this is not supported by any facts. Active duty members with dependents enrolled in the EFMP receive equal consideration for accompanied assignments and promotions.

DD Form 2792 (9-03), Exceptional Family Member Medical Summary and DD Form 2792-1 (9-03), Exceptional Family Member Special Education/Early Intervention Summary, are used for enrollment.    

Please note that this process can take time.  Starting the process early is highly advisable. 

Contact the EFMP office at (830) 298-6571 with questions. 

(Current as of July 2019)