LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Many seventh graders in Del Rio didn’t know where Laughlin Air Force Base is, much less what the base does or what it can offer them.
To fix this, Laughlin has begun a tour program for Del Rio Middle School, showing the students more about the base.
“Del Rio is very good to us, and this is an opportunity to give back and show people what we do,” said Joel Langton, 47th Flying Training Wing Public Affairs deputy and coordinator of the tours. “If we can consistently do this for five years, we would have every student graduating from Del Rio High School had been here and experience what we do -- and maybe think about working here.”
The tours take the middle schoolers to different on-base agencies such as the air traffic control tower, the Losano Fitness Center and the aircraft maintenance shops on the flight line, giving the students an opportunity to experience the base’s day-to-day operations.
“I think it’s outstanding,” said Berta Howell, Del Rio Middle School teacher. “This was amazing for the kids to see what operations are going on.”
Howell explained that the tours helps open opportunities in their minds; opportunities that the teens can start moving toward right now.
Bernice Renteria, a student at Del Rio Middle School, said that everything about the tour was awesome.
“Not everybody gets a chance to do this,” Renteria said. “That’s why it’s so cool.”
“It’s awesome just being here,” Howell said. “This is a program we should be promoting every minute of the day.”