Laughlin cares: paving the way for future housing

  • Published
  • By Airman Kailee Reynolds
  • 47th Flying Training Wing public affairs

“Seeking the quality of base housing totally improves the Quality of Life for our members,” said Javier Cardenas, Housing Privatization Resident Advocate. “This gives members the peace of mind they need to focus on their primary duty which is to defend our country. A huge win for all of us!”

So what exactly is the Annual DoD Tenant Satisfaction Survey?

It’s a third-party survey funded by the Department of the Air Force (DAF) which allows tenants of the DAF housing program a place to give open and honest feedback on their experiences in the housing community. This survey has been available in varying forms every year since the mid-1990’s, when the privatized housing program first began. In today’s technologically advanced society the survey can be accessed anywhere and anytime online, meaning it’s now easier to take than ever. The best feature of the online survey is that it is 100 percent confidential; nothing personally identifiable will be available to DAF or anyone else involved.

Tenants can access their surveys beginning October 28, 2021, to December 13, 2021, via a linked email from Emails will be sent out starting October 28, 2021. If no email is received by November 1, tenants should reach out to the email above, with their installation and address, to seek assistance. Emails ending with .mil and .gov may block the linked email; contributing a personal email to the tenant’s project owner will allow the linked email to be received. Any further questions can be taken to the tenant’s installation’s Military Housing Office.

“The more people that take the survey the better chance you have to be heard,” said Cardenas. “Don’t be the one that suffers in silence.”

“This survey is vital in shaping the housing services needed to ensure the health and safety of Airmen and their families. Comments and suggestions from the survey are taken under serious consideration, since they will be paving the way for future housing improvement projects.

"Feedback about your experiences while residing in a privatized housing community is important to us and will help shape the future of our housing services,” said Lupita Flores, Military Housing Office Housing Program manager. “The survey results will guide the decisions made today and will impact generations of our military members and their families. Thank you in advance for your participation in our survey.”

The survey is more than just lip-service. 

“I know from personal experience the results of this survey are digested and acted on at the highest levels in the Air Force,” said Colonel Matthew Altman, 47th Mission Support Group commander. “I’m excited to provide my feedback on not only what our Hunt partners are doing well but also the many areas we need to improve this community.”

Results for the survey will be reported to DAF in January, 2022; and from there they will become available to the installation Military Housing Office and project owners to view and get to work on.

“The Air Force has heard consistently from our Wing and Group leadership about the lack of quality housing at Laughlin Air Force Base… we need substantiating input from across our community to drive the key requirements home,” said Altman. “You may not see immediate changes, but this year is absolutely critical to shape the level of investment we get on the upcoming privatized housing restructure.”

Make sure your voice is heard during this critical time. This is the best way to make your option known and to make a lasting change for the current and future families of Laughlin Air Force Base.

“Taking the survey is crucial to improving our base housing,” said Cardenas. “It’s the best way to show our leaders what is needed to make this a better place to live in. In my opinion, this is our resident’s time to share your likes and dislikes about living in Laughlin base housing. Please take advantage of this opportunity!”