LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- The 47th Medical Group at Laughlin recently hosted a Humana Military Open House for local community healthcare providers Nov. 16, 2022. This open house helped strengthen ties between the base’s healthcare providers and community healthcare providers.
“This event helps foster our relationship with community providers by allowing them to see a different perspective of how patient care enables Laughlin Air Force Base's pilot training mission,” said Lt. Col. Neil Boots, 47th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron commander. “This event will help establish dialogue and effective communication to overcome hurdles and ensure a medically ready force.”
This open house allowed base medical personnel to get to know their counterparts from the community, share experiences, and help each party understand their capabilities. The event also let Col. Angela Lacek, 47th MDG commander, convey her priorities and mission to local healthcare professionals.
“This is an opportunity for our providers and community providers to connect and learn about each other,” said Lacek. “A lot of our specialty care goes to the community, so the stronger those relationships are the better it is for our beneficiaries.”
The 47th MDG aims to provide exceptional medical care to over 3,400 people. This is done in conjunction with medical experts and specialists from the local community, ensuring Team XL is ready to take on any mission. This event allowed community experts to become more familiar with Air Force practices and how Laughlin keeps Airmen healthy.
“It’s nice for everybody to get to meet each other,” said Sandra Saldua, Humana Military Health System manager. “With now being remote, everything is telephone and emails -- you want to be able to put people face to face with someone you speak to on a daily basis.”
Greater understanding between the 47th MDG and local medical providers will build Laughlin’s operational readiness and help ensure the base is ready to train the best pilots in the Air Force.