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  • Family man: Retiring chief reminisces ‘family’ life

    The term “family man” is used a lot today in America. But what makes a “family man”? One particular chief master sergeant thinks a family man is all about how one treats others. To Chief Master Sgt. Allan Turk, who is retiring after completing a 30-year career in the U.S. Air Force, being a part of

  • Autopilot off, journey on

    While preparing for our upcoming retirement, we’ve had the chance to look back through hundreds of old photos, each with its own memory, its own story. It made us realize how lucky our family has been. Throughout our Air Force journey, we’ve experienced opportunities and adventures that some

  • Blended retirement system training now available

    Online training designed to educate Airmen about the new Blended Retirement System, the Defense Department system with changes on the current military retirement system, is now available via Joint Knowledge Online course number P-US1330. The course is also available to those without a Common Access