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  • Graduating the Future of Flight: Class 25-02

    Twenty-five U.S. Air Force officers were awarded the coveted silver wings as a symbol of their hard work and training during a graduation ceremony held Nov. 1, 2024.   

  • From ground to sky: the critical role of SARM

    In the clear blue skies above Del Rio, Texas, Team XL dominates the horizon. The roar of training aircraft is made possible, not just by the pilots in the cockpits, but also by the meticulous efforts of those on the ground.

  • RPP application process open through Dec. 9

    Active duty Air Force officers and enlisted Airmen who are interested in becoming rated officers can apply for the Spring 2024 Air Force Rated Preparatory Program now through Dec. 9, 2023.

  • Student pilot competes for pilot wings, pageant crown

    Second Lt. Sarena Shilts is competing for two accolades this year: her silver pilot wings, and the Miss Texas USA crown."I'm attracted to pageantry for similar reasons I'm attracted to being an Air Force pilot," Shilts said. "The two worlds seem to contradict, but there are actually many parallels

  • Laughlin moves to HPCON Bravo

    Due to a steady decrease in positive COVID-19 cases in Val Verde County, the 47th Flying Training Wing commander, Col. Craig Prather, has directed the change to Health Protection Condition Bravo on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, effective immediately. The movement to HPCON Bravo does not alter the policies

  • SUPT class 21-02 set to graduate

    Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training class 21-02 graduated after 52 weeks of training at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, Nov. 13, 2020. Laughlin is home of the 47th Flying Training Wing, whose mission is to build combat-ready Airmen, leaders and pilots. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman

  • SUPT Class 21-01 graduates

    Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training class 21-01 graduated after 52 weeks of training at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, Oct. 23, 2020. Laughlin is the home of the 47th Flying Training Wing, whose mission is to build combat-ready Airmen, leaders and pilots. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Airman 1st