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  • 47th Student Squadron welcomes new commander

    47th Student Squadron (STUS) Airmen bid farewell to Lt. Col. Elizabeth Music, prior commander of the 47th STUS, and welcomed Lt. Col. Aaron Borszich, current commander of the 47th STUS, during a change of command ceremony here, Jan. 17, 2025.

  • 47th Medical Group welcomes new commander

    47th Medical Group (MDG) Airmen bid farewell to Col. Angela Lacek and welcomed new commander, Col. Kelly Vermillion, during a change of command ceremony here, July 9, 2024. Col. Tyler Ellison, 47th Flying Training Wing (FTW) commander, presided over the ceremony, expressing his gratitude towards

  • Kreuder takes command of Nineteenth Air Force

    Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder assumed command of 19th Air Force from Maj. Gen. Clark Quinn during a change of command ceremony here July 8, 2024. Lt. Gen. Brian Robinson, commander Air Education and Training Command, presided over the ceremony passing the guidon from Quinn to Kreuder.

  • 47th Flying Training Wing welcomes new commander

    47th Flying Training Wing (FTW) Airmen bid farewell to Col. Kevin Davidson and welcomed new commander, Col. Tyler Ellison, during a change of command ceremony here, June 26, 2024. Brig. Gen. Randall Cason, Mobilization Assistant to the Commander, Nineteenth Air Force, presided over the ceremony,

  • 47th Civil Engineer Squadron welcomes new commander

    47th Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) Airmen bid farewell to Lt. Col. John Casey, prior commander of the 47th CES, and welcomed Lt. Col. Nathan Thomsen, current commander of the 47th CES, during a change of command ceremony here, June 21, 2024.

  • 47th Force Support Squadron welcomes new commander

    47th Force Support Squadron (FSS) Airmen bid farewell to Maj. Kayleigh Stilwell, prior commander of the 47th FSS, and welcomed new commander Maj. Micah Dalcoe, during a change of command ceremony here, June 11, 2024.

  • 47th Healthcare Operations Squadron welcomes new commander

    47th Healthcare Operations Squadron (HCOS) Airmen bid farewell to Lt. Col. Neil Boots and welcomed the new commander, Lt. Col. Daniel Griffith, during a change of command ceremony here, June 7, 2024. Col. Angela Lacek, 47th Medical Group commander, presided over the ceremony, leading the transfer

  • 47th Operational Support Squadron welcomes new commander

    47th Operations Support Squadron Airmen bid farewell to Lt. Col. Matthew Kless, prior commander of the 47th OSS, and welcomed new commander Lt. Col. Daniel Garrison, during a change of command ceremony here, May 29, 2024.