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  • The dedication of Defenders, K-9 partners

    It was a transformative moment in military history when the Army initiated training for its pioneering War Dog Program, commonly referred to as the "K-9 Corps." This groundbreaking development, according to American Humane Society, marked the inaugural inclusion of Military Working Dogs (MWD) within

  • Working with our Air Force’s Four-Legged Defenders

    Military Working Dogs (MWD) provide a variety of services, including the detection of explosives and drug searches, tracking of personnel and suspects, patrol of restricted areas, and protection of military installations. Keeping these dogs' skills strong and honed is essential – this is where MWD

  • Laughlin K-9s come to the rescue when evildoers bark up the wrong tree

    There are not too many jobs where “man’s best friend” is also your partner at work. One of those exceptions is the 47th Security Forces Squadron military working dogs team, who everyday patrols, trains, and works with K-9 dogs to detect and deter illegal contraband or people with less-than-noble

  • Tri-agency training extends knowledge

    Air Force military working dog handlers and members of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Del Rio Border Patrol Sector, joined for training on how to provide medical care to a working dog at Laughlin Air Force Base, recently.