LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Firefighters from the 47th Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) partnered with the local Del Rio High School Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) class for a hands-on training opportunity here, Jan. 14, 2025.
The main focus of the training session was trauma assessment with a long bone splint application. Firefighters also aimed to inspire students to consider careers in military, civilian firefighting and Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
“This training helps the students remember what steps to follow while conducting assessments of trauma patients,” said David Isbell, 47th CES fire chief. “The students had never seen the Hare traction device either, so getting hands on and learning on a new device was an added bonus.”
Firefighters customized each scenario by adding symptoms to encourage student’s critical thinking skills. Each pair of students had to assess the patient, determine the need for a traction splint, properly apply it and then conduct a secondary assessment looking for any additional signs or symptoms.
“The students performed very well,” said Jared Burks, 47th CES lead firefighter. “We were not sure what to expect, but we were pleasantly surprised. They were quick to grasp what was being asked of them and to perform the tasks very well.”
Students were introduced to a new learning environment and exposed them to alternative ways of learning.
“Hopefully, they gained some knowledge, but more importantly, a sense of accomplishment,” said Burks. “EMS is not an easy profession, and it is almost never done in a controlled environment. So, for these students to step out of their classroom and be able to perform the skills they’ve learned in front of complete strangers is outstanding.”
San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District’s (CISD) Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs offer a sequence of courses that provide students with coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills.
The CTE also offers Laughlin’s Grow Your Own Program to local high school students. This program provides students with skills for another career path in aircraft maintenance, flight line management or scheduling and planning.