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  • Laughlin firefighters teach life-saving skills

    Firefighters from the 47th Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) partnered with the local Del Rio High School Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) class for a hands-on training opportunity here, Jan. 14, 2025.

  • Tiger for a day with the 85th Flying Training Squadron

    The 85th Flying Training Squadron (FTS), also known as the ‘Tigers’, hosted a unique, hands-on aviation experience for 25 local children aptly called Tiger for a Day. The fifth of August, 8/5, is special to the Tigers, and this year they got to share the joy with the local community.

  • Birdwatchers flock to Laughlin

    Recently, Team XL opened its gates to the Birding the Border festival, a birdwatching event hosted by Texas A&M that takes place each spring in Val Verde and Kinney counties, Texas.

  • The dedication of Defenders, K-9 partners

    It was a transformative moment in military history when the Army initiated training for its pioneering War Dog Program, commonly referred to as the "K-9 Corps." This groundbreaking development, according to American Humane Society, marked the inaugural inclusion of Military Working Dogs (MWD) within

  • Chaudhary celebrates AANHPI month with Team XL, tours installation

    The 47th Flying Training Wing welcomed The Honorable Ravi Chaudhary, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Energy, Installations, and Environment as the keynote speaker for the celebratory Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander luncheon, May 31, 2023.

  • Community wins $4M grant for Laughlin

    Val Verde County government was awarded two grants on Laughlin Air Force Base’s behalf Monday morning. The grant will fund $2,465,447 for new airfield lighting, making the airfield safer. The T-1 fleet will get a dozen new sunshades, creating a better work environment for maintainers, and protecting

  • Texas Senator visits Laughlin

    The 47th Flying Training Wing hosted Senator Ted Cruz during a visit to Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, Feb. 20, 2020.

  • Lifelong supporters of Team XL

    Bill Cauthorn, lifelong honorary commander, receives a custom Laughlin belt buckle from Col. Lee Gentile, 47th Flying Training Wing commander, in Del Rio, Texas, Oct. 15, 2019. Cauthorn is the CEO of The Bank and Trust, and has been a lifelong supporter of Laughlin Air Force Base. (U.S. Air Force