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  • Airman’s Spotlight: Staff Sgt. Christopher Johnson

    Staff Sgt. Christopher Johnson, honor guard NCO in charge, at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, enjoys how his special duty continues to broaden his perspective of the U.S. Air Force and his range of experience. He notes once he or his team don their blues, they stop representing themselves alone and

  • SUPT student soars to commander’s trophy

    Officers from across the country join, for approximately 52 weeks, at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, in hopes to one day, wear the rated wings of a United States Air Force pilot.While successfully graduating from the program is the ultimate goal for these students, a select few have the ability to

  • XLer of the week: Tech. Sgt. Nathaniel Andrews

    Technical Sgt. Nathaniel Andrews, 47th Civil Engineer Squadron assistant fire chief, was chosen by wing leadership to be the “XLer” of the week, for the week of July 15, 2019, at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas.The “XLer” award, presented by Col. Lee Gentile, 47th Flying Training Wing commander and

  • 47 MDG Undergoes Medical Squadron Reform

    The 47th Medical Group reorganized its squadrons, the 47th Medical Operations Squadron and the 47th Medical Support Squadron, as part of the Air Force Medical Service Medical Squadron reform, on July 15, 2019 at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas.The 47th MDG will remain as such, but the 47th MDSS will

  • Vacation Bible School equips military children with spiritual fitness

    The wing chapel team held a Vacation Bible School for families of Laughlin Air Force Base Texas, through the week of July 8, 2019.Vacation Bible School was a week for children of Team XL children to build team skills, resiliency, have fun and learn more about their faith.

  • XLer of the Week: Tech. Sgt. Michele Lazurka

    Tech. Sgt. Michele Lazurka, 47th Medical Operations Squadron flight medicine office manager, was chosen by wing leadership to be the “XLer” of the week, for the week of July 8, 2019, at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas. The “XLer” award, presented by Col. Todd Dyer, 47th Flying Training Wing vice

  • Airman’s Spotlight: Abby Salas

    During PCS season and on graduation weekend, the Laughlin Manor’s pace of business picks up considerably. Abby Salas, 47th Force Support Squadron custodial supervisor, does not mind the extra work it adds to her plate. “We enjoy preparing the rooms for the students awaiting training and new

  • Commanders Deskside update for July 2019

    Watch Col. Lee Gentile and Command Chief Master Sgt. Robert Zackery III answer questions on Basic House Allowance, Losano Fitness Center, Shopette gas station pumps and more on this edition of the Commanders Deskside!

  • Independence Day Flyover

    Members from Laughlin Air Force Base and Del Rio, Texas, watch a formation of T-6 Texan II aircraft fly over the Dr. Arturo Gutierrez Amphitheater by the San Felipe Creek in Del Rio, July 4, 2019. The city of Del Rio and Laughlin Air Force Base joined forces to celebrate the Fourth of July with

  • CAP Cadets converge on Laughlin

    Twenty-eight high school Civil Air Patrol students from across America converged on Laughlin June 8 through 15 to get a first-hand course in pilot training.CAP is the official civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. CAP is a volunteer organization with an aviation-minded membership including