SICK? Pharmacy has your Prescription


The 47th Medical Group Pharmacy recently started a Self-Initiated Care Kit (SICK) program Sept. 12, 2016, allowing Airmen to treat symptoms without having to see their primary care provider. 


The onset of cough and cold season often means doctor appointments, trips to the local pharmacy and home remedies. The SICK clinic provides a new way to fight the symptoms associated with this time of year without the hassle.


Treatable symptoms include cough, congestion, itchy eyes, runny nose or sneezing, sore throat, minor fevers, stuffy ears, rash and minor body aches.


This program is designed to better serve beneficiaries who are feeling ill but are not sick enough that they need to see a physician. However, personnel who are pregnant, on flying or Personnel Reliability Program status, Security Forces and children under four years old are not eligible to use the program.


“We saw a gap in provider availability at the clinic and thought this may help remove some stress on the provider,” said Maj. Nicole DeSchepper, Diagnostic and Therapeutics Flight commander. “[This program] also allows us, the pharmacists, to use more of our doctor of pharmacy skills and training.”


To enroll in the program, visit the clinic to complete the training and review the program handout at the pharmacy, immunizations, or family health front desk.  A staff member will then provide you with an eligibility card, which can be used once per month.


To take advantage of the program, present the card at the pharmacy when you are sick, and a pharmacist will discuss your symptoms, determine what medications you may need, and counsel you on the medications. 


The pharmacy can treat many common symptoms, but the evaluation of your symptoms allows the pharmacists to determine if you can be treated by the pharmacy, or if you require an appointment with your primary care provider.


If you are experiencing chronic allergy symptoms, we recommend you see your primary care provider to prescribe your medications.


Any questions regarding this program should be directed to the pharmacy at 830-298-6451.