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  • 47th Healthcare Operations Squadron welcomes new commander

    47th Healthcare Operations Squadron (HCOS) Airmen bid farewell to Lt. Col. Neil Boots and welcomed the new commander, Lt. Col. Daniel Griffith, during a change of command ceremony here, June 7, 2024. Col. Angela Lacek, 47th Medical Group commander, presided over the ceremony, leading the transfer

  • Department of the Air Force launches NIPRGPT

    Department of the Air Force chief information officer and the Air Force Research Laboratory is accelerating initiatives to provide the Air Force and Space Force with the ability to responsibly experiment with Generative AI.

  • 47th Operations Group welcomes new commander

    47th Flying Training Wing (FTW) Airmen bid farewell to Col. James Blech, prior commander of the 47th Operations Group (OG), and welcomed Col. Joseph McCane, current commander of the 47th OG, during a change of command ceremony here, May 31, 2024.

  • USO brings mobile gaming unit to Laughlin

    The United Service Organizations (USO) visited Laughlin June 2-3, 2024, with their Mobile National Football League (NFL) Gaming Trailer, boosting the morale of Airmen and base residents. The NFL gaming trailer held two events, one geared towards Airmen and the other for families.

  • How AFREP is reforming sustainability

    Team XL is the first Air Education and Training Command (AETC) base to launch a civil service-driven Air Force Repair Enhancement Program (AFREP), an initiative that supports self-sustainability and efficiency within the 47th Flying Training Wing Maintenance Directorate (FTW MX).

  • 47th Operational Support Squadron welcomes new commander

    47th Operations Support Squadron Airmen bid farewell to Lt. Col. Matthew Kless, prior commander of the 47th OSS, and welcomed new commander Lt. Col. Daniel Garrison, during a change of command ceremony here, May 29, 2024.

  • Vehicle breaches Laughlin Air Force Base

    At approximately 8:24 a.m. CST Laughlin command post was notified by Security Forces that there was an installation breach by a vehicle near the West gate visitor control center.