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  • Winter safety tips

    The holidays are a time for families to gather and prepare for the upcoming year. The holidays are also a time of fickle weather and unsafe travelling conditions. According to the 47th Flying Training Wing safety office the best way to avoid the wraths of Mother Nature is to prepare in advance.

  • Commissaries offer deep savings for the holidays

    The colorful lights, the music, the decorations, the smells, the holiday movies on repeat – all converge to create a Christmas warmth within us that’s hard to describe. But the food, the Christmas dinner, is what pulls family and friends together for a festive meal.

  • Fighting the holiday blues

    As the holiday season rolls in and service members roll out to spend time with family, many welcome the season with open arms. The holidays aren’t always a good time for everybody, however.

  • Holidays: Keep Santa out of the wallet

    To some, the holidays are a festive time of year focused on tradition, family, fancy meals, decorations, giving… and spending.Whispers of Christmas begin in the fall—more or less after school starts—and really pick up after Thanksgiving. Military families come together, bringing with them many