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  • The dedication of Defenders, K-9 partners

    It was a transformative moment in military history when the Army initiated training for its pioneering War Dog Program, commonly referred to as the "K-9 Corps." This groundbreaking development, according to American Humane Society, marked the inaugural inclusion of Military Working Dogs (MWD) within

  • XLer of the week: Staff Sgt. James Shanahan

    Staff Sgt. James Shanahan, 47th Security Forces Squadron trainer, was chosen by wing leadership to be the “XLer of the week” of Jan. 27, 2020 at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas.

  • Commander’s Corner: Get out there and go get it!

    An obvious trait I see in successful people is their ability to recognize opportunity and act on it. Success usually doesn’t come by sitting back and waiting for it to come to you. Opportunity may present itself Being in a leadership position in the Air Force has allowed me to watch opportunity play

  • STEP promotion surprises defender

    April Fool’s Day came with a pleasant surprise this year for Tech. Sgt. Richard Bates, 47th Security Forces Squadron flight chief. Bates was selected by Brig. Gen. Patrick Doherty, 19th Air Force commander, for promotion to Technical Sergeant under the Stripes for Exceptional Performers (STEP)