Sexual Assault Prevention and Response


The Laughlin Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program reinforces the Air Force’s commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual assault through awareness and prevention training, education, victim advocacy, response, and reporting.

Sexual assault is defined by the DoD, as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent.

  • Sexual assault includes rape, forcible sodomy and unwanted sexual contact or attempts to commit these acts.
  • Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender, spousal relationship, or age of a person.
  • Sexual assault is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice


Sexual assault is criminal conduct that falls short of the standards America expects of its men and women in uniform, and is in direct violation of the Air Force’s Core Values.

Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.

How to Report

  • If you believe you have been assaulted:
    • Go to a SAFE place.
    • In an effort to preserve evidence, do not shower or clean up, to include brushing your hair and teeth.
    • Do not eat or drink anything.
    • Do not use the restroom, put on makeup, clean or straighten up the crime scene.
    • Preserve evidence such as clothing or towels in a paper bag-not a plastic bag.


  • Call the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) HOTLINE, SARC, SAPR VA;


  • Come to the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) office located in Bldg. 375 (Med Clinic), Rm. 117.

Do not blame yourself: it isn’t your fault!

It is common for victims to experience; fear, helplessness, shame, loss of meaning and sustaining beliefs, legitimacy and validation, self-blame and guilt, Betrayal and loss of trust, Isolation and diminished sense of self, grief and loss, anger and rage.

Reporting Options


Applies to :

  • Active Duty Military
  • Spouses and adult dependents (18+) of Active Duty Military
  • Air Force civilian Employees (appropriated/non-appropriated)


Reports can only be made to your SARC, SAPR VA, On Call VVA, or your health care provider (PCM).

SARC/SAPR VA/Volunteer Victim Advocate; have “privileged” communication.

  • Command is NOT notified
  • NO investigation is initiated
  • Victims can receive medical care, counseling, and supportive services if they wish.
  • Victims can speak with a Special Victim Council (SVC)

Victims are eligible to use the CATCH program.



Applies to:

  • Active Duty Military
  • Spouses and adult dependents (18+) of Active Duty Military
  • Air Force civilian Employees (appropriated/non-appropriated)
  • Retired Members


Reports are made through normal reporting channels, to include chain of command, law enforcement, Air Force Office of Special Investigation, or other criminal investigative services.

SARC/SAPR VA/Volunteer Victim Advocate; have “privileged” communication.

  • Command is notified (need to know).
  • An investigation IS initiated.
  • Victims can receive medical care, counseling, and supportive services.
  • Victims can speak with a Special Victim Council (SVC)

Victims are eligible for an expedited transfer.

Additional Information

INDEPENDENT REPORT; Information regarding a sexual assault is disclosed to command from an independent or third-party source. Command will notify the SARC.

  • An official investigation may be initiated based upon the independent report.

SPECIAL VICTIMS COUNCIL; Provides confidential legal advice and support to victims through independent representation.


CATCH A SERIAL OFFENDER (CATCH) PROGRAM; Gives victims of sexual assault making a Restricted Report an opportunity to anonymously disclose suspect information to help the Department of Defense identify repeat offenders.

Contact / Additional Resources


(830) 298-SARC (7272)

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC):

(830) 298-4545

Bldg. 468 (Entrance opposite to EO entry/closest to flight line)


Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Advocate:

(830) 298-4513              

Bldg. 468 (Entrance opposite to EO entry/closest to flight line)

SAPR personnel will ensure victims are protected, treated with dignity, respect, and receive timely access to appropriate medical treatment and services if they so desire.